Adult Band Workshops

Music City, 1353 Bush St, SF, all ages welcome Suggested donation $20


Winter Quarter

Winter Quarter classes and bands start the week of January 13.

All Star Band at Harmonic Brewing in Thrive City

Thrive City 660 Mission Bay Boulevard North, San Francisco, CA, United States

Come celebrate the end of Beer Week SF at Harmonic Brewing in Thrive City! Three of our teen All Star Bands are playing between 12:30-4pm. Open to all ages and free to the public.


All Star Band show at the Foundry

The Foundry SF 1425 Folsom St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Our teenage All Star Bands have their March showcase at the Foundry SF from noon to 5-ish on Saturday 3/15 and Sunday 3/16. Admission is free.


All Star Band Show at the Foundry

The Foundry SF 1425 Folsom St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Our teenage All Star Bands have their March showcase at the Foundry SF from noon to 5-ish on Saturday 3/15 and Sunday 3/16. Admission is free.


Adult Band Showchase

Music City 1353 Bush St., San Francisco, CA, United States

Adult Band Showcase @ Music City, SF
